
One Man's Trash is Another's Upcycled Art

I was browsing the very cool and creative blog of creative director/graphic designer Catherine Mangosing, MYTURTLENECK, when I found these two phenomenal examples of how upcycling can result in truly awe-inspiring art. The first artist, Stuart Haygarth collects used prescription glasses to create stunning light fixtures, while the second, Paul Villinsky, creates another kind of spectacle with his butterflies made from old beer cans. I really liked Catherine's observation about the "metaphor of transformation" in Villinsky's work. Both of these artists found uses for other people's supposed trash, and I feel like that element adds life and nostalgia to their creations. Like vintage clothing, these re-purposed pieces have a character and depth that you just can't find in the brand new.


Unknown said...

lets build a glasses light.

tsmag said...

Paul Villinski brought his Emergency Response Studio to Wesleyan last semester - it was here for like a month, I think. He did a couple of presentations about it, especially when I was working during homecoming - it seemed really cool!

but it ain't as cool as dem TP TREEZZZZ!!!!

Ash said...

Those butterflies are incredible, I want my whole bed covered in them!

Unknown said...

i WANT that effing sunglass chandelier. (also a slow loris.)