
COP15, By Sarah DH

My best friend Sarah DH has many things to say, and I thought this would be a great forum for some of her ideas/ thoughts. Welcome to The Green Room Sarah DH!!!


COP15 and Coconut Carrying Octopus

During the last weeks of December, I couldn’t stop watching the dispatches coming out of the COP15 conference in Copenhagen. It was equal parts excitement and confusion that kept me googling phrases like “parts per million CO2.All the googling of scientific phrases made me realize that my everyday interactions with the environment don’t even begin to scratch the surface of the problem. Thanks to Jules I’ve been schooled on which deodorants will keep me smelly but cancer free, but I know very little about the nuts and bolts of the movement for climate change on a global level. This made me anxious & overwhelmed until this absolute gem popped up online right in the middle of it all.

This crafty octopus is the first ever to be recorded using tools. And what are his or her tools you might ask? Coconut shells! This octopus is not only smart enough to use tools – but to recycle in the process. It’s a welcome reminder that no matter how complex and confusing the problems of global warming and the debate around what to about it are, the basic necessity of it all is really very simple. It’s about the fact that even octopuses at the bottom of the ocean are building for the future. In that process, we all deserve an equal shot.

Even though the crafty octopus sums up the “why,” of fighting climate change, it’s the “how” that is still really hard to understand. For that, I point you towards the blog, “It's getting hot in here.” There you’ll find “dispatches from the youth climate movement” including this (http://itsgettinghotinhere.org/2009/12/30/copenhagen-triumph-or-failure/

) really stellar recap of where we’ve been, what exactly happened at Copenhagen, and where we’re headed next.



Anonymous said...

my dad couldnt stop talking about that octopus for a solid week when i was home, we ended up watching it on my droid while waiting for avatar to start haha. that is one crafty invertebrate!

Anonymous said...

that...is so...cool.