
Music, Movement, and My Neighbors at Night

I had a very strange moment this evening, when I realized that I wasn't going crazy, but that my upstairs neighbors were listening to the same song as me at the same time. It took me a while to figure out what was going on, because my upstairs neighbors have a habit of re-arranging their furniture on a nightly basis, so I wasn't sure if they were hearing my music and folding and unfolding the sofa-bed to the rhythm of my song, or if they actually had the same thing playing loudly on their speakers during their re-arranging ritual. I will admit I've been listening to this particular song a lot lately, for inspiration for a dance idea I've been working on, but still I think the chances of people starting the same song at the same time on two separate floors are extrememly low. I wondered if they were dancing around their rooms like I was. Yes. I dance around my room. My neighbors compulsively move furniture (or bodies?) around and I dance, okay? I wondered if they were simultaneously watching the video on youtube. I also wondered, had they thought that the video was lovely like I did but that it would have been better if the girl had danced up the hill in the snow instead of just walked up it? And did they also think that it would have been best if I had been able to choreograph it because I really understood what they were trying to do with the video? Probably not. (Even if they do have magical powers to make tables and chairs slide across the parquet, they probably have no way of knowing my thoughts regarding music videos and the use of movement therein, right?) All that to say: I wanted to share this video with you because it's still snowing here in Brooklyn, and the song is great, and the video is interesting despite the lack of dancing and choreography. Enjoy!


Anonymous said...

You should make ur own version with Subtle Details Dance Theater!

Jules said...

Already working on it. But the dance version is a little more intense. It's about a bride who kills herself the day before her wedding and then the bridesmaids and groomsmen prop her body up and walk her down the aisle anyway.... still want to see it? harharhar