I'm talking about Kava, people, what were you talking about?! I first learned about Kava from Dan, who I met a few weeks ago on the bus ride back from DC. By the second hour of our ride, as travel buddies often do, we were sharing our hopes, dreams, wishes, fears, and neuroses. That’s when I told Dan about my occasional anxious streaks, which I am pretty sure every New Yorker experiences after a few years. Dan recommended that I visit my local health food store, pick up some Kava root in powder form, brew a tea, and reap the benefits—which he described as “totally awesome, you just take what comes to you, but remain really clear headed at the same time.” SIIIICK. Well, next time I was at Pickles & Peas, my local green grocer, I picked up some Yogi Kava Tea. On Friday, I brewed myself one super strong cup, with three bags, and actually DID feel myself become more composed—a feat I had thought wouldn’t be possible on what was destined be an awful(ly stressful) day.
What the box says: “ Set your mind free with Kava Stress Relief.” So far so good. “Native to Oceania and the South Pacific Islands, Kava has traditionally been cultivated for its power to calm the body and mind and encourage a good night’s sleep. Kava is also recognized for its ability to promote a state of relaxed awareness without compromising mental functions” (unlike some other, less legal, “herbal” stress relievers!).
I bet the straight powder is even more effective, and I’d be lying if I said I wasn’t curious about experimenting with this relaxing root!
First the white grapefruit and now THIS? Are you stalking my life woman??
Last week on the place ride back from Chicago I brought along a bag of this tea and as the plane was bumping up and down and people were clutching their arm-rests for dear life I was thinking, "okay, a little bumpy - but I can handle it." so. chill.
hahaha, I KNOW right???? And yes. I'm stalking your life.
if there were a "like" button on blogspot, i would like this. i gotta get me some kava!
Oooh, I'm joining you in the intrigued camp. Can it be true? Peace in powder form? Off to Whole Foods.
let me know if it works its charms on you too!
kava sounds like the answer. work and anxiety have consumed my life.
ps i left a comment and will leave many more as long as you keep writing! hope to see you again soon :)
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