
Fort Greene's Green Getdown: Habana Outpost

Photos By Rosalee C.

Wednesday night, despite the slight drizzle and the fact that I have bronchitis, I hopped on my bicycle and pedaled myself to Fort Greene (I was thrilled to find out its only a 10 minute ride from my place in Vinegar Hill!) Though I wasn’t feeling 100%, I made the excursion to meet some friends I haven’t seen all summer at a get together for Tara’s birthday at Habana Outpost. I’ve passed the lively looking outdoor eatery on my way to rehearsals at the Mark Morris Dance Center several times, and I’ve even seen it transformed into a tiny outdoor flea market on Saturdays. As if that’s not enough of a draw, Habana Outpost claims to be NYC’s FIRST eco- eatery, or restaurant that uses “earth-friendly practices in their design, construction, and day-to-day operations…to reduce wasteful consumption and promote sustainable solutions.” Not to mention my bacon cheesburger was fresh, affordable, and my margarita came in a biodegrable cornstarch cup! (Yes, I drank ONE margarita on antibiotics, go ahead, judge me!) Learn more about the innovative ways that Outpost keeps green here.


Rex Arrow said...


Anonymous said...

mmmm delish!

Jules said...

I had a bacon cheeseburger and it was freaking delicious. Judge me.