SF is gorgeous, but DAYUM is it hilly! After all that hiking, plus walking uphill both ways everywhere (is that even possible? you ask? oh yes mes amies. oh yes.) my a*s was really whipped into shape! Back in the nice flat grid of NYC, I was finally able to recover from vertigo and work on some photos. Despite the sore glutes and dizzy spells, it was a glorious labor day reunion of three best friends from high school. Olivia Micou Cerf,
Sarah David Heydemann, et moi, the three musketeers of MHS, were brought together as a trifecta for the first time since our absolutely INSANE post high school graduation adventure through Southeast Asia (our "Hello-world- we're- going- to do -stupid- things- in- you!" trip, as Olivia calls it). Though brief, this trip to SF was, as expected, filled with wonderful surprises including but by no means limited to: three attempts to watch the magical animated film MADAGASCAR, my first in-n-out burger, and lets not forget about the NUDIST HOT SPRINGS. A wha?!?! Unfortunately, no cameras were allowed for the latter.

maybe the uphills both ways in san fran is where grandfathers get inspiration for their stories about walking to school uphill both ways, in the snow!
maybe in the old days, san fran was covered in snow! teehee.
Beautiful photos! All Diana?
Thanks Devika! Actually, these are all form my Nikon d70, with the exception of the one sea-lion pic, and I used a cross-processing technique to enhance the colors using lightroom.
In love. My favorite In'n'Out picture finally surfaces!
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