
Bike Wars

Cyclist Eric Baumann Featured Above
Biking has saved a lot of us city folk from infernal summers on the subway and liberated us from winters waiting in the freezing cold for the bus (I'd rather ride in the cold than stand on the corner any day). It's free. It's easy. It's harmless to the environment. Bikes are basically the best invention since sliced bread. And yet, there are still some city dwellers who want to ban the bike. The war is on my friends, and this time, it's Hipsters v. Hasids. Apparently "Scantily clad hipster cyclists... made it difficult, the Hasids said, to obey religious laws forbidding them from staring at members of the opposite sex in various states of undress. These riders also were disobeying the traffic laws, they complained." I'm not joking, and yet I have to laugh. MWAHAHA.


Eric Baumann said...

haha this is so ridiculous, i love the my picture is displayed in such hilarious context - yes, it was me, the hasids couldn't tear their eyes off my scantily clad....ness. besides that though, im glad they took it into their own hands and just repainted that junk, bloomberg is a tool.

Nicky B said...

Sliced bread was invented in 1928 ( The chain driven bicycle was invented in 1885 ( Thus, sliced bread is really the best thing since the bicycle, and not the other way around. Way to be anachronistic. Punk. (Baumann--those triceps are looking good, you been lifting?)

Unknown said...

shoutout! win. (funniest.) (also, check out dec. 9:, OOPS.)

Jules said...

Great catch Nick B! As usual you have managed to focus on the most fundamental point of the article.