
Bicycle Child

A love of all things 'cycle related was instilled in me by my Grampa, an avid cyclist, ever since I was a babe. I would wait for him to come home from work, and when he walked through the door I'd shout, "Bampa bikela!" which was my way of telling him it was time for our evening ride. He'd hitch up the baby bike carriage to his bicycle, and ride around until I passed out in the back, which was usually only a matter of minutes. I might be too big to ride around in the carriage (bummer), but I still find riding my bike to be a seriously soothing activity, not to mention it's more efficient than walking, or even taking the bus! I love my old Junker (pictured top left w/kitty) but its really rusted to pieces and the brakes are starting feel dangerously ineffective, so I've been checking out some other options from Anthropologie. Though these are definitely out of my price range, these styles are so simple and pretty, and the foldable one would even fit in my little apartment!


Anonymous said...

Where is your bike now? Grandpa really should have taken a look at it for you when he came to do your other projects. Those new bikes are really neat aren't they.

Jules said...

I know Gramps would have looked at it, but it was still at my old place in Dumbo! Next time!

Anonymous said...

Wow, I love these bikes! Are there less expensive options that are still as cute as these?