
Bouncy & Fuzzy, Just Like Me?

I don't know if it's because Rex Arrow thinks I am an exquisite specimen of nature or because I haven't waxed my legs this month and have been wearing glasses instead of contacts that he sent me this (rather spectacular) photograph... and said it reminded him of me. AWESOME. On one hand, this high jumping arachnid won WIRED magazine's award for cutest spider. On the other hand, IT'S A SPIDER.


A Good Moroccan said...

Amazing picture !

Jules said...

Isn't it? The photographer is Thomas Shahan and here's his Flickr page: http://www.flickr.com/photos/opoterser/

Unknown said...

yo, there ain't nothing wrong with having your spirit animal be a spider. our spirit animals can be friends!

and, that's an AWESOME spider.

Unknown said...

okay so i actually clicked on the link to wired and here is something exciting i learned:
this species is a "salticida," jumping spider, but the root, "saltare," also means "to dance." so in a way, this is a dancing spider. which is totally appropriate.

Jules said...

That actually does make me feel a whole lot better about all this! Thanks Jessie!