The book came out in Japan in May of 2009, but we'll have to wait for it Stateside until October. WOMP WOMP. Now I have no more excuses to put off the pile of nonfiction on my bedside table that includes but is not limited to: Freakonomics, In Defense of Food, and Game Change which I've been procrastinating on for about 2 years. As interesting as I'm sure they are, non-fiction never fails to make me snorey, and also what could possibly be more exciting than "hypnotically addictive" and "mind-bending"? I can tell you right now it's probs not freakonomics whatever the hell that is, a book that defends inanimate objects, or anything having to do with Sarah Palin. BUT I'LL TRY GOSH DARNIT I'LL TRY.
Cover design by Chip Kidd.