The book came out in Japan in May of 2009, but we'll have to wait for it Stateside until October. WOMP WOMP. Now I have no more excuses to put off the pile of nonfiction on my bedside table that includes but is not limited to: Freakonomics, In Defense of Food, and Game Change which I've been procrastinating on for about 2 years. As interesting as I'm sure they are, non-fiction never fails to make me snorey, and also what could possibly be more exciting than "hypnotically addictive" and "mind-bending"? I can tell you right now it's probs not freakonomics whatever the hell that is, a book that defends inanimate objects, or anything having to do with Sarah Palin. BUT I'LL TRY GOSH DARNIT I'LL TRY.
Cover design by Chip Kidd.
Or you could adopt a 23-year-old Japanese girl who will translate the book for you. Some of it may sound awkward or just incorrect. You'll have to forgive her.
Done and done! But only if we're talking about the same 23-year-old Japanese girl ;)
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