Flu Season
Circle circle dot dot, get your H1N1 shot!! Whether you're willing to stand on line for 3 hours in the hopes of getting a vaccine, or have even been savvy enough to find out the where's and when's of said vaccines being administered around NYC, you're probably not freaking out every minute of the day thinking you have Swine Flu (for me it's more realistically once or twice a week, ha). Either way, the "Your child may be sent home today with an 'F', for FLU" ads plastered on subways and bus stations have definitely made their way into my unconscious-- the results of which are extremely chapped hands from washing obsessively, and a surplus in energy from all the darn EmergenC I've been chugging. Rex Arrow and I got together and made a little video on the subject of H1N1 hype and I have posted it here for your snarky viewing pleasure... and of course for the benefit of our collective health in the midst of flu season!
Crazy For Kale

Giving Thanks

Thanks to Jennae Petersen from Green Your Decor for this cool holiday place setting suggestion. Just take your old corks, cut a space for a card, and insert name card! I love the cork for a cozy fall aesthetic. Also loving her other website,
Happy Thanksgiving week everybody!
Bouncy & Fuzzy, Just Like Me?

Spotlight: Caroline Silver

Not Above The Bucket

Last summer, when I was couch-surfing in Bhalil, Morocco, I found myself face to face with the bucket once more. Irked that I didn’t make it to the Hammam in time for a “proper” bath, I washed my long hair in the bucket, growing more irritated every time I flipped my head over to pour water on the back of my neck. But then it occurred to me, “I grew up bathing in a bucket! When did I become such an arrogant bathing snob?” So I didn’t have a steady hot stream flowing down on me for ten to fifteen minutes (or sadly sometimes, even longer), I had a big bucket full of hot water, which was plenty to get me lathered and rinsed. I was ashamed at my own attitude towards the bucket bath, an activity in which I had once found immense joy. Thinking further on the matter, I was appalled when I thought of how much water I must use weekly in the bath or shower at home, without a second thought to how much energy it must take to heat it all.
Although my family in India have buckets in every bathroom, during my most recent trip (as well as most of my past visits) I opted for the western style shower… until there was a problem with the water heater and was forced back in to the bucket. This time though, I wasn’t so upset about it. Now, back in my Brooklyn apartment, the incessant shower pressure/temperature problems that my super hasn’t gotten around to fixing are enough to drive my roommates crazy and often keep them from bathing altogether. I guess it’s a blessing that I know how to bathe from the bucket, and I’m no longer above it.
Bicycle Child

A love of all things 'cycle related was instilled in me by my Grampa, an avid cyclist, ever since I was a babe. I would wait for him to come home from work, and when he walked through the door I'd shout, "Bampa bikela!" which was my way of telling him it was time for our evening ride. He'd hitch up the baby bike carriage to his bicycle, and ride around until I passed out in the back, which was usually only a matter of minutes. I might be too big to ride around in the carriage (bummer), but I still find riding my bike to be a seriously soothing activity, not to mention it's more efficient than walking, or even taking the bus! I love my old Junker (pictured top left w/kitty) but its really rusted to pieces and the brakes are starting feel dangerously ineffective, so I've been checking out some other options from Anthropologie. Though these are definitely out of my price range, these styles are so simple and pretty, and the foldable one would even fit in my little apartment!