I wish I could recite to you verbatim this hysterical joke that comedian/ actor David Cross told last night when
Rex Arrow and I saw him at Upright Citizens Brigade Theater. Basically, he goes to Whole Foods, and notices that next to the Whole Foods brand (365 Everyday Value®) there's this other brand called, get this: "If You Care". HA! Okay, so he goes on this tangent about how he's at the grocery store deciding what to buy and all of a sudden "If You Care" is right there in front of him everywhere and he envisions his rabbi wagging his finger at him and saying "You don't have to buy this- if you need to save the extra 17 cents, you need to save the extra 17cents- so what if the planet is being destroyed and your children and children's children won't have a place to live?!?! BUT IF YOU CARE, you would buy this brand, but you don't have to, you know, just if you care."
Okay, so it's really not that funny when
I say it, but that's why David Cross is the comedian and not me. He also made several references about "bloggers" and "blogging" so I felt I had to give a little nod to that.
The real point is, David Cross was expressing a symptom I've been thinking a lot about lately. A symptom we all experience at one point or another in our quest to become more environmentally conscious and eco-friendly, all the while feeling like what we do is never enough. He was expressing: GREEN GUILT.
You're not alone, people.
watch this if you haven't already, i just found it and have been trying to spread it around. seems like an appropriately "green" vid for the bwog ;)
nothing seems more insurmountable at the time than buying a set of batteries while tripping on acid.
yes, he did that joke, too. haha.
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