
I like my mornings light and sweet.

If there's one thing that can really get my day off to a bad start is a breakfast calamity. It's the way I start my day, and I want it to be yummie, energizing, and good for me. I woke up this morning, made myself a bowl of Irish cut oatmeal with agave syrup and pomegranate seeds, and brewed a cup of joe. I like it light and sweet, so when I realized I had NO MILK (quelle disastre!) I had to think fast for a substitute. Luckily, I had bought some of my favorite coffee ice-cream last night: Haagen Dazs "five", the brand's new development in flavor, which uses only 5 ingredients: SKIM MILK, CREAM, SUGAR, EGG YOLKS, COFFEE. Pure and simple, just the way I like it, and coincidentally, there's LESS FAT in "five" than in the regular version. A small scoop of ice cream in my coffee and my morning was back to light and sweet!


Elise said...

QUELLE GENIE! i miss you hooles.

Laura Lee said...

What a fantastic idea! Instead of regular ole' milk and sugar, why not use a combination of the two, and turn breakfast into a delectable treat! This is one of the best tips I've heard for green living...find creative solutions...sometimes they can be even more fun that the norm!

nichole said...

LOL, I have done this in a pinch as well. The problem is returning to regular milk when it's restocked. ;)

Jules said...