There are some rare occasions when I become acutely aware of my surroundings, my presence and energy in those surroundings, and I realize am truly living in the moment. There are only a few things that make me feel this way. Travel is one of them. When I travel I lose my hungry and perpetually unsatisfied what’s- the- next –best- thing- whats- the- next –thing- am- I- being- productive -enough-I’m definitely- not- being- productive- enough- New-Yorker- thing. I gain the ability to luxuriate in the world and I feel free to be exactly where I am and who I am at that moment, without worrying about what comes next. Seeing excellent live music can also do this for me (actually the Bon Iver webcast from his DC show had the same effect, he must be really damn good.) Finally and so thankfully, Dance. When I am dancing I feel an utter clarity, like I am really and truly awake and in this world. Is there something that makes you feel that way?
These photos were taken by my dear friend and massage therapist
Yvonne Kawamura during a performance of
Vain Combat on the Highline.
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