A very affectionate and adorable cat has taken up residence at my mother's house. If you know me, you know that I am NOT a cat person, I have always been seriously allergic and just not altogether smitten with the cold-hearted nature of many of the cats I've come across. Minou (that's French for "kitty-cat") however, has won my heart. The only problem is, as much as Minou loves to play and be fed and petted- she won't come inside the goddamn house. It's starting to freeze here on the Beast coast, and I'm afraid lil Minou will not survive the winter outside. Her stubbornness only confirms what this article I saw in the
UK Telegraph says: that dogs are smarter than cats (
sowwy Sawah!). Oxford scientists confirmed that the more social an animal instinctively is, the more brain growth that animal will exhibit. Dogs, who are descendants of the extremely clannish wolves, show more social/ family oriented behavior, which makes them smarter. If anyone has tips on how I can get my small brained, but very sweet lil Minou inside the house for winter, please share!
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