
Superhero Sunday

Happy Sunday folks!

Gallim Dance Company Final w Interview from Andreas von Scheele on Vimeo.

I had to wake up early this morning to help work a very elaborate birthday party for twin 3-year- olds at the awesome dance studio where I teach. The theme was "Superheroes & Dance" so me and the other three teachers corralled the kids into super hero freeze dance, super hero circle dance, and even a super hero obstacle course! Organizing and teaching little kids always makes me smile, but being around so many Manhattan parents wears on me, and makes me thankful for having grown up in the 'burbs. As the teachers and the party staff were cleaning up after the superman-cake explosion, I was bonding with one of the staff members, Caroline, over this very topic. We got to talking, and as it turns out Caroline dances with one of my very favorite dance companies, Gallim Dance. I admitted that I sometimes watch the company's videos online for inspiration. I love all their work, but this commercial they shot for KSwiss really highlights their versatility, individuality and gorgeous athleticism.


Evan said...

So glad that you enjoy Gallim! Me too. Plus working for them isn't half bad, either :) Make sure you catch them at DTW next month.

Jules said...

Evan! Thanks for reading.. you're so lucky to get to work for them, I would love to dance for them at some point, and yes, i will definitely be going to see them at DTdubs :)