Those of you who know me have probably realized my penchant for over-sized spectacles (of the theatrical type as well as the practical type used by millions of people to see clearly, but for all intents and purposes, this post refers to the latter). My feeling remains that if I have to wear glasses I'm not going to hide it. I'm going to let my inner nerd out and there's just not going to be any shame about it. Obviously, I was amped when I found out about Warby Parker Eyewear, the supercool new company that riffs off of the idea behind its predecessor Toms Shoes, and donates a pair of specs to someone in need for every pair purchased. Yay for ethical business practices, nerds, these hot specs, and let's not forget about the monocle.
HAHA! My co-worker slash phenom asian, Khuong, is obsessed with Warby. Been trying to get Ari to get a pair forever.
oooh yes, Ari would look phenom in a pair of these bad boys.
wow. hipster prescription eyewear for only $95!!!!!!! social justice really HAS COME to the UNITED STATES OF AMERIKA. thank god for green room living.
chill out galileo, bitterness doesn't look good on you.
wow. galileo really does prove that the internet truly is a playground for ignorant people. greenroom is a lifestyle blog, and if you aren't interested in the styles being presented...don't read the blog.
oh, and I hate when people use the word hipster for anything fashionable they happen to not like.
Don't hate the playa galileo, hate the game.
good point jules. it's not the playa that's the problem. it's the fashion-capitalism complex that has coopted the language of social justice. hate the game.
Interesting angle Galileo, I'm sorry that you feel so upset by a company that is stylish and also trying to give a socially conscious bonus to people who like the brand. I don't think anyone is trying to say that these companies are bringing social justice to this country, but if your point is that these companies aren't doing enough... well sure, everyone could be doing more to improve the world. In fact, you seem to have strong opinions and possibly even ideas for change (though you haven't shared any of them here) maybe you should start a blog!?!? Meanwhile, I found this topical article, which explores our conversation a little further: http://www.stumbleupon.com/su/5m6jup/www.good.is/post/it-would-be-really-hard-to-boycott-bp//r:t
Thanks for reading!
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