In addition to the general spirit of movement that is so contagious in Buenos Aires, I happened to be there during the World Tango festival. I didn't go to any of the competitions, but there was Tango everywhere. It was ridiculously fun for me to ditch ballet and modern technique class for a while and start from scratch. Every week, my favorite Argentine and I would head over to La Catedral (that neat old Tango joint I wrote about a few posts back) have some wine and organic empanadas, and take a two hour class (only five bucks a pop!). One would think that being a dancer would make learning the Tango easier. It doesn't! I can fake the salsa and basic dancing with a partner if need be, but Tango is a different art entirely. Learning to follow was the hardest part. We spent hours just walking with our hands on our partners shoulders learning how to feel the difference between leading and following. Walk, switch partners, walk, switch partners, walk, walk, walk, walk. Now walk backwards! By the time I actually got to dance it was such a thrill, you'd think I'd never set foot on a dance floor. Dancing with partners who were more experienced was like floating on air once I learned to follow correctly. All of a sudden, I was dancing Tango! I'm determined to continue with classes once I get back to NYC. I may have had my last Tango in BA, but I'm not done yet:)
Another informative blog… Thank you for sharing it… Best of luck for further endeavor too.
Thanks for reading!
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